Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Thanks for the note of support Catherine. It means more than you may realize.
Tomorrow I have the mandatory settlement conference to attend. Not too surprisingly, the Sociopath added more fabrications in her settlement conference documentation. Unfortunately, only by proceeding with a full investigation by the GAL and continuing to trial will the facts actually be brought out to show her for what she is. The GAL and the attorneys always push for a settlement, of course, because it frees up their time for what they consider more important cases. To quote Stephen Covey's book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, " you can't be efficient with people. You have to be effective." Their not attempting to find out the facts about the situation, in the beginning and only assuming both parties were lying in their sworn declarations has resulted in this process dragging on and costing even more time and money. Effectiveness would have been getting to the root of the issue from the beginning, rather than making decisions out of ignorance and allowing the situation to drag on for a year.
My biggest challenge is not allowing the situation to make me bitter. I would like to say it hasn't but I definitely have my moments when it really bothers me. To quote Nietzsche, "Whoever fights monsters must see to it that in the process he does not become a monster." I really don't think it's possible to become like a Sociopath, though.
If anyone that reads this is going through a similar situation and has a question that I may be able to help them on, please feel free to ask. I've found too little resources myself and what I have learned has been the hard way. If nothing else you will at least know you are not the only one going through this ordeal. I can't imagine this is not common. Only that most people may not realize what kind of person they are dealing with.


Catherine said...

I have learned to see my own experience as a blessing. I have grown in so many ways and see my experience as an opportunity. We all have our 'bitter' days but it's only a day.

I have shared my experience in my own blog - I did it for the same reason you are sharing yours - I hope someone sees it and knows they are not alone. My other blog, will educate others about the traits of a sociopath.

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey, It turns out you can fight and win. It takes luck, pluck, money, of course. But Stout is right, these people self destruct after a bit. Peter King