Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Perfect Target
Thank you for sharing your own experiences Catherine. Not that I would wish it on anyone, but it does me good to know I am not alone in what I have suffered.
With the statistics of 4 percent of the population being Sociopaths, I can only imagine many others have suffered the same situation we have. Sadly, I believe most people discover they have been dealing with a Sociopath only after the fact. As we did. It's kind of the nature of the beast and the facade they put forth for the unsuspecting to see. They are the "Preying Mantis' of humanity. Camouflaged to our view and then pouncing on their unsuspecting prey and ripping them apart, emotionally.
With the plethora of Sociopaths in society, we almost need an advocacy group to educate people about them. Although, I would imagine the liklihood of that happening would be pretty slim, due to all the other pressing issues being dealt with on a daily basis in America and around the world.
I will pass on word of your blog to others in the hope it will benefit them as much as it does me.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that I've found someone else who has gone through similar experiences. I had always trusted my wife for the past 18 years and thought the best of her. But there was animosity emanating from her as of 3 years ago, until I decided to hand back to her what I saw her as handing out to me. It built up eventually to a real heated verbal fight on 11 June, in which I told her I wanted her out of the house. Then there was a 180-degree change in her demeanor; no more crying, accusations, and screaming. She was all business, except for the few moments she would come over to me, stick her face in mine, and make some low, nasty comment.

I found out later that she had been telling everyone I know, over the past 3 years, that I had been abusing, mistreating, controlling, manipulative, and cheating on her. She has successfully isolated me. She had been planning to divorce me for at least 3 years, and all her antagonism had been geared to provoke me. And after re-running our 26 years together, I began to see and understand things that I had previously ignored.

There are few that believe me when I tell them that this woman is an expert natural liar, emotionless, calculating, promiscuous, and that her divorce intentions are to destroy my life completely.

I barely have enough money on my own to make ends meet. I don't have enough money for an attorney's retainer, and she has the best lawyer in the county, maybe one of the best in the state. And she lied about nearly everything on her financial disclosure.

I've looked into the face of evil, and I feel powerless to fight.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this blog! I myself have just ended a relationship with a lunatic that fits this description. He has done nothing but try to ruin my life. He as told the cops, my job, his family and friends I am strung out on drugs. He is in a new relationship and still will not move on. I have a restraining order against him. So far there has been no contact!

Anonymous said...

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